Tom Dunlop – Summize

In this episode, we talk to Tom Dunlop, co-founder and CEO of Summize, an innovative contract management platform. We discuss the founding journey, how Tom was able to take his experience of working for in-house legal teams and modernise contract management. We also discuss the importance of focus and how to ensure you are optimising for the right outcomes as the business scales.

Simon Ritchie – Blox

In this episode, we talk to Simon Ritchie, CEO of Blox, an early-stage startup aiming to make financial modelling more accessible to businesses of all sizes. We learn how they took a ‘spreadsheet problem’ and developed an intuitive platform that allows businesses to rapidly create financial models and make better business decisions without needing a degree in finance.

Guy Golan – Performanta

In this episode, we talk to Guy Golan, CEO of Performanta, a Global business focusing on cyber safety. We discuss the differences between cyber security and cyber safety, the role naming that category can have in the eyes of your customers, and what it looks like to scale a business to hundreds of employees.

Ed Plunkett – WithYouWithMe

In this episode, we talk to Ed Plunkett from WithYouWithMe and learn how they tackle the digital skills gap while making a positive social impact. We hear how they throw away the CV and focus on attitude and potential to empower better employment decisions and opportunities.

Kirsty Dawe – Webeo

In this episode, we talk to Kirsty Dawe, a B2B marketing expert and CEO of Webeo, an advanced platform that allows marketing teams to dynamically personalise their websites. We learn the importance of developing an ICP and the power of staying true to that, as well as discuss the relationship between content and outbound efforts in sales and marketing.

Luciana Gasser – Cheers Contracts

In this episode, we hear from Luciana Gasser, co-founder of Cheers Contracts, and learn how an Equifax data breach led to her deciding to start a SaaS company. We learn how she leveraged networking to get her business off the ground as a non-technical founder.

Kevin Beales – My Sales Coach

What does it look like to have not just one successful startup exit, but two and then decide to go all in on a third startup? In this conversation with Kevin Beales founder of MySalesCoach, we discuss not just one but three startup journeys and look at two different types of acquisition as well as many of the lessons learned along the way.